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Our New Look

It's a new look and we did arrange the furniture somewhat but it's the same old house; all the contents are there.

We found the navigation menu was cluttered so we have grouped the pages under some logical main headings. For your added comfort we have added a new site menu, available under the HOME header. All the links (crossing my fingers) work so this is a quick way to get to the information you need. The pages are also available in submenus under the headers. Both the header and submenus will get you to many pages more directly.

Some notable changes:

  • a more compact Home page.

  • links to the other bowls organizations instead of on a separate Links page.

  • the slideshow photos have now been moved to Member Clubs in a static display with links to the club websites

  • a new page which has all the forms and information specifically for Conveners.

  • the annual club fee form is under Documents instead of Forms.

  • the Umpire list has been updated, still awaiting some photos to complete the list.

We hope you like the new organization and hope it makes access to your required information a little bit easier.


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