Past Volunteer Awards Winners
Information and the following lists up to 2013 were compiled by Dr. John Aveline
Page Navigation: V&D Bowlers Recognized Outside the V&D Bowls BC President's Award
V&D Volunteer Award - Past Winners
In 1996 the Volunteer Awards were established by Bowls BC. Each district selects one or two individuals whom it feels has made an extraordinary contribution to the Sport of Bowls in the district.
2016 Nita Clark (Maple Ridge), Roger Skinner from (Coquitlam) Dave Davey (North Van), Tim Mason (West Van)
2015 Dr. John Aveline (Kerrisdale)
2014 Kion Wong (Richmond), Samuel Siu (North Vancouver)
2013 George Cubiss (Maple Ridge), Frank Kaweski West Point Grey
2012 John Speers (North Vancouver)
2011 On Kow Au (Richmond)
2006-2010 No selection
2005 Janet Schwartzentruber (South Burnaby)
2002-2004 No selection
2001 Jim Murphy (Vancouver South)
2000 Peter Moffat (North Vancouver) , Betty Leon (Burnaby North)
1999 Tony Boucher (Granville Park) Jim and Sheila Buttar (Vancouver South) (nominees of Bowls B.C.)
1998 Margaret Harrington (New Westminster)
1997 No selection
1996 Fred Sallis & Kathy Finch (New Westminster)

Jim Buttar
Outstanding Contributor
In November 2005 at its AGM, the V&D made an extraordinary award to an extraordinary individual, whose contribution to the Sport of Bowls was so exceptional that something special was required to acknowledge his decades of work. And so, at the suggestion of Granville Park Bowls Club, Jim Buttar was awarded an honourary membership to every club in the Vancouver and District. The motion passed without any discussion required.
Jim Buttar had served numerous times on the V&D board starting in 1969, as well as on the executives of four different clubs. He was a key member of the organizing committees for four different major Canadian championships (1981, 1986, 1998, 2004) as well as being the assistant score-keeper and fund-raising chair for the 1993 Pacific Rim Championships and the 1994 Commonwealth Games.
Since this award was made, Jim has contributed his time and experience to the Pacific Indoor Bowls Club as it has resumed operations in their new facilities as well as serving several times on the Canadian Indoor Singles Championships committee.
Jim Buttar is truly a one-of-a-kind guy!
V&D Bowlers Recognized Outside the V&D
A number of bowlers in the V&D have been recognized at the Provincial, National and International levels for their extraordinary contributions to the Sport of Bowls. Here are the ones known to your writer. If you know of others, please pass the names, awards won and years in which they were won to me.
Bowls B.C. President's Award
1995 Dorothy Macey (Vancouver South)
1999 Jim Murphy (Vancouver South)
2000 Jim Buttar (Vancouver South)